Thank you for your purchase!
We are so excited to ship your book as soon as possible.
In the mean time please take a moment to read below important information about your purchase, shipping and subscription.
Thank you for support and we hope you enjoy the book

We will do our best to ship the book asap
(Next shipment is arriving shortly)
Thank you for your purchase of the new ‘Sefirat Ha’Omer guide’ book by Rabbi Anava. A few very important details in this message, so please take a few moments to read through it.
1) If you have ordered a copy of a softcover book and wish to change the order to a hardcover book, contact us immediately.
2) Till the book arrives, we have prepared a page on where you can read and also download (A PDF) of the daily count.
You will need to first log into the website and then follow this link then click ‘Start course’ and you will find all the days of each (Sefira) count.
3) The promotion we have for buying the book is that you also get one FREE month subscription to to enjoy all the rest of the online courses and series. After one month, your subscription will automatically renew itself!
If you do not want to continue the subscription you can cancel it from your account or send us an email and we will cancel it for you.
4) I highly recommend joining our whatsapp group in-order to receive updates, new information, videos, classes and much more. All you need to do is send a message to this number +972-53-497-9066 asking to join
I hope you enjoy your experience and remember, we are here to assist you with any question you have
Thank you
Rabbi Anava
The Atzmut team
More important information
- For international shipping. Contact us for shipping cost
- For a hard cover book is additional $8, please contact us after purchasing by email