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Section 1Bereshit - בראשית
Lecture 1Bereshit - 1:17:45
Parashat Bereshit
How can we fix the sin of the tree of knowledge? – 1:17:45
Lecture 2Noah - 1:12:36
Lecture 3Noah - 1:05:17
Lecture 4Lech Lecha - 55:24
Lecture 5Lech Lecha - 1:07:55
Lecture 6Vayeira - 1:09:46
Lecture 7Chayei Sarah - 1:16:47
Lecture 8Chayei Sarah - 1:03:50
Lecture 9Toldot - 1:25:36
Lecture 10Toldot - 1:30:18
Lecture 11Vayetze - 1:25:16
Lecture 12Vayetze - 1:02:49
Lecture 13Vayishlach - 1:00:27
Lecture 14Vayishlach - 1:06:27
Lecture 15Vayeshev - 56:43
Lecture 16Vayeshev - 1:08:54
Lecture 17Vayigash - 1:09:15
Lecture 18Vayigash - 1:24:12
Lecture 19Vayechi - 1:07:41
Section 2Shemot - שמות
Lecture 20Shemot - 1:11:55
Lecture 21Shemot - 1:09:01
Lecture 22Va'eira - 1:12:10
Lecture 23Va'eira - 1:14:45
Lecture 24Bo - 1:06:45
Lecture 25Bo - 1:16:47
Lecture 26Be'Shalach - 1:13:27
Lecture 27Be'Shalach - 1:04:54
Lecture 28Yitro - 1:10:31
Lecture 29Yitro - 1:02:43
Lecture 30Mishpatim - 1:08:47
Lecture 31Mishpatim - 1:13:52
Lecture 32Teruma - 1:24:53 - NEW
Lecture 33Teruma - 1:14:56
Section 3Vayikra - ויקרא
Lecture 34Shemini - 1:20:48
Parashat Shemini
No one is asking your opinion – 1:20:48
After the tragic sudden death of Aharon’s sons we are left with many questions… What did they do that was so bad? why did they do so? but more puzzling to us is what can we learn from this entire episode and what message can we take for our day to day life
Lecture 35Tazria - 1:15:51
Lecture 36Metzora - 1:01:49
Lecture 37Acharei - 1:09:08
Lecture 38Kedoshim - 56:11
Lecture 39Emor - 1:04:48
Lecture 40Behar - 1:03:09
Section 4Bamidbar - במדבר
Lecture 41Bamidbar - 1:00:29
Parashat Bamidbar
There are NO mistakes with G-d! – 1:00:29
Many times we wonder why G-d does certain things and/or allows things to happen. Also why did G-d create certain creatures and what is the point of everything is this world. Rabbi Anava is addressing these questions in this video and also a powerful message on the secret of time…. – don’t miss out this class!
Lecture 42Bamidbar - 1:13:39
Lecture 43Naso - 1:17:19
Lecture 44Naso - 1:04:13
Lecture 45Beha'alotecha - 1:20:31
Lecture 46Beha'alotecha - 1:02:12
Lecture 47Shelach - 47:05
Lecture 48Shelach - 1:21:10
Lecture 49Korach - 1:21:55
Lecture 50Chukat - 1:26:17
Lecture 51Balak - 1:21:02
Lecture 52Pinchas - 1:13:29
Lecture 53Matot - 1:13:16
Section 5Devarim - דברים
Lecture 54Devarim - 1:15:20
Lecture 55Ki Teitzei - 1:03:14
Lecture 56Ki Tavo - 51:56
Lecture 57Nitzavim - 57:33