TypeOnline Course
Start DateOct 10, 2021
Student Enrolled773
Membership typeSilver 36$/mo
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Section 1Introduction
Lecture 1Introduction - 45:21
Lecture 2True Judgment - 28:20
Lecture 3G-od brought it - 31:47
Lecture 4A dead horse - 44:22
Lecture 5The future will reveal - 29:58
Lecture 6Everything has a reason - 45:57
Lecture 7Saving the best for last - 26:28
Lecture 8Why learn this book? - 37:09
Lecture 9Source of the book - 36:18
Section 2Opening
Lecture 10Key Concepts - 21:41

The opening to gate of Reincarnations

Key Concepts – 21:41

Lecture 11Five names of the Nefesh - 47:21
Lecture 12All souls included in Adam - 52:11
Lecture 13What is the Tzelem? - 49:51
Lecture 14All included in Adam - 53:54
Lecture 15Souls of all levels - 44:36
Lecture 16Reason of Gilgul - 45:07
Lecture 17What I need to fix - 49:48
Lecture 184 types of Gilgulim - 55:40
Section 3Hakdama 1
Lecture 195 names of the soul - 1:12:14
Lecture 2050 levels to climb - 44:48
Lecture 21Start from the bottom - 58:41
Lecture 22Fixing the blemish - 43:52
Lecture 23Where are you rooted? - 43:38
Lecture 24Climb from your root - 45:44
Lecture 25Double your power - 51:07
Lecture 26A visit from above - 1:04:44
Lecture 27Zoom in Zoom out - 1:03:10
Lecture 28Split into three - 50:15
Lecture 29Summary of Hakdama 1 - 36:17
Section 4Hakdama 2
Lecture 30The first visit - 59:33
Lecture 31One after the other - 49:36
Lecture 32The secret of Ebur - 59:36
Lecture 33Hard work pays - 46:06
Lecture 34Win win for all - 51:32
Lecture 35Spiritual upgrade - 58:46
Lecture 36Replace a brother - 42:48
Section 5Hakdama 3
Lecture 37At the beginning - 1:07:57
Lecture 38Piggy back ride - 1:20:10
Lecture 39Fix for others - 59:34
Lecture 40Cleaning is a pain - 1:14:03
Lecture 41Reaching completion - 1:15:52
Lecture 42Dying with no kids - 1:04:39
Lecture 43A better opportunity - 54:34
Lecture 44The right intention - 56:07
Lecture 45A powerful opportunity - 54:55
Lecture 46When you go to sleep - 53:22
Section 6Hakdama 4
Lecture 47Introduction - 58:47
Lecture 48Two original paths - 48:46
Lecture 49Two types of Tikun - 49:37
Lecture 50Which body - 31:49
Lecture 51The more you do - 55:22
Lecture 52Finish what you've started - 34:27
Lecture 53Fixing loose ends - 51:55
Lecture 54A little push helps - 57:44
Lecture 553 chances to do it - 1:08:30
Lecture 56Nice is not enough - 1:00:24
Lecture 57Are you in or out - 31:50
Lecture 58Finish something small - 36:54
Section 7Hakdama 5
Lecture 59Four options - 1:09:10
Lecture 60Two options - 1:09:12

Hakdama 5 – Class 2

Two options – 1:09:12

Lecture 61Up to four souls - 40:21
Lecture 62A little help - 1:09:37
Lecture 63Go down - 1:18:50
Lecture 64Don't be angry - 54:53
Lecture 65Three different reasons - 52:23
Section 8Hakdama 6
Lecture 66Introduction - 1:31:32
Lecture 67Back to back - 39:07
Lecture 68Old Vs New - 1:02:27
Lecture 69We all stand together - 1:24:29
Lecture 70Capacity of the soul - 1:03:46
Lecture 71The power of prayer - 1:08:47
Lecture 72Five levels of Teshuvah - 1:05:03
Lecture 73The final Teshuvah - 1:03:33
Lecture 74Part the Klipa - 1:03:17
Lecture 75Starting all over - 1:04:39
Lecture 76Complete your Teshuva - 1:02:50
Section 9Hakdama 7
Lecture 77Introduction - 40:53
Lecture 78First level - 49:45
Lecture 79Second level - 58:24
Lecture 80All three options - 1:19:56
Lecture 81Every level gets harder - 56:41
Lecture 82First time is easy - 1:19:35
Lecture 83Stand under the light - 1:09:19
Lecture 84Short life is enough - 1:10:15
Lecture 85We just don't know how - 28:59
Lecture 86Further away harder to fix - 1:36:16
Lecture 87Third level - 1:02:29
Lecture 88The beginning of the line - 1:12:19
Lecture 89No shortcuts - 1:13:53
Lecture 90Life in two bodies - 53:02 - NEW