TypeOnline Course
Start DateNov 30, 2017
Student Enrolled314
Membership typeFree
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Section 1Lectures
Lecture 1Light up the world this Chanukah

Light up the world this Chanukah

Lecture 2The secret for jumping to the next level - 47:39
Lecture 3Were we really victorious over the Greeks? - 1:15:12
Lecture 4The secret of the hidden light - 43:27
Lecture 5So what is the conclusion? - 19:59
Lecture 6What does G-d really want from us? - 59:35
Lecture 7Zot Chanuka - Winning the Yetzer Harah - 1:17:40
Lecture 830 minutes of light - 25:21
Lecture 9Fighting klipat Noga - 1:07:34
Lecture 10The war with Yavan (Greece) - Then and today - 1:08:15
Section 2Halacha
Lecture 11 Hilchot (Oral laws) of Chanukah - 1:08:23
Lecture 12Hilchot (Oral laws) of Chanukah - 59:43
Lecture 13Hilchot (Oral laws) of Chanukah - 44:11
Lecture 14Halacha for Chanuka - 27:00 - NEW
Section 3History & Stories
Lecture 15History of Chanukah - 1:07:45

The history of Chanuka – By Liora Meier – 1:07:45

Lecture 16It's all about unity - 57:15
Lecture 17The Ten (10) things we can achieve on Chanukah - 26:51
Lecture 18Why a pitcher of oil? - 50:19