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Section 1Rosh Hashanah
Lecture 1Avoid prosecution on Rosh Hashana - 39:42
Lecture 2Mystical meaning of the Shofar - 41:45
Zohar – Rosh Hashanah
The mystical meaning behind the Shofar – Part 1 – 41:45
Zohar Page 98/B – Parashat Emor
Lecture 3Mystical meaning of the Shofar - 50:26
Lecture 4Mystical meaning of the Shofar - 33:53
Lecture 5Mystical meaning of the Shofar - 50:32
Section 2Yom Kippur
Lecture 6The ten musical forms of king David - 42:45
Lecture 7The ten musical forms of king David - 42:19