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Section 1Bereshit - בראשית
Section 2Shemot - שמות
Lecture 2Parashat Shemot - Going down or up? - 54:33
Lecture 3Parashat Shemot - Light or Darkness? - 35:43
Lecture 4Parashat Shemot - Stop! think...act.. - 1:04:24
Lecture 5Parashat Shemot - It's all about the truth! - 38:38
Lecture 6Parashat Shemot - Climb higher - 1:02:13
Lecture 7Parashat Va’eira - Fear or Love? - 44:28
Lecture 8Parashat Va’eira - Transform the judgment to mercy - 42:11
Lecture 9Parashat Vaeira - Depression or idol worship...? - 35:51
Lecture 10Parashat Vaeira - Truth and humbleness is the key - 35:05
Lecture 11Parashat Bo - Don't give up!! - 28:34
Lecture 12Parashat Bo - Just pray to G-d - 27:27
Lecture 13Parashat Bo - Can you admit? - 27:45
Lecture 14Parashat Bo - Rosh Chodesh - 36:55
Lecture 15Parashat Bo - A bit of unity can do a lot - 25:09
Lecture 16Parashat Be'Shalach - How do we leave Mitzrayim - 35:24
Lecture 17Parashat Be'Shalach - My Torah is yours - 36:03
Lecture 18Parashat Yitro - Am I the only one that suffers? - 30:27
Lecture 19Parashat Yitro - Are you wasting your time? - 31:32
Lecture 20Parashat Yitro - The secret to win the Yetzer Harah - 22:49
Lecture 21Parashat Mishpatim - Do you think about the future? - 30:01
Lecture 22Parashat Mishpatim - How come my prayers are not answered? - 26:25
Lecture 23Parashat Mishpatim - Do you have an Altar? - 23:06
Lecture 24Parashat Terumah - Are you expecting a reward? - 24:20
Lecture 25Parashat Tezaveh - What is the source of blessings? - 25:26
Lecture 26Parashat Tezaveh - How to keep the fire burning? - 28:58
Lecture 27Parashat Ki Tisa - The source of my blessing - 34:49
Lecture 28Parashat Ki Tisa - What's the result of unity? - 1:12:42
Lecture 29Parashat Ki Tisa - The secret of the incense - 46:53
Lecture 30Parashat Vayakhel - Why did Moshe Rabenu break the tablets? - 42:41
Lecture 31Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei - Where does your money go...? - 49:59
Section 3Vayikra - ויקרא
Lecture 32Parashat Tzav - how to keep the fire burning? - 46:24
Lecture 33Parashat Tzav - The significance of sacrifices - 42:53
Lecture 34Parashat Tazria - Does it matters who inseminates first? - 33:38
Lecture 35Parashat Tazria - Check yourself out - 29:17
Lecture 36Parashat Tazria - Don't leave anything behind - 42:05
Lecture 37Parashat Metzora - One step at a time - 56:40
Lecture 38Parashat Metzora - Make G-od happy - 57:02
Lecture 39Parashat Acharei - How to switch the death penalty - 34:21
Lecture 40Parashat Acharei - Can you prove me wrong? - 56:36
Lecture 41Parashat Emor - What really happens when you pray! - 41:28
Lecture 42Parashat Behar - Be a Moshe Rabenu - 41:26
Lecture 43Parashat Behar - Do you know where you came from? - 42:05
Lecture 44Parashat Bechukotai - Experience the higher world - 29:40
Section 4Bamidbar - במדבר
Lecture 45Parashat Bamidbar - What's so special about the desert? - 42:37
Lecture 46Parashat Naso - Limitations make you grow - 55:41
Lecture 47Parashat Naso - can you give out a hand? - 24:52
Lecture 48Parashat Behaalotecha - One step at a time - 30:43
Lecture 49Parashat Shelach - Search and Destroy -31:23
Lecture 50Parashat Korach- Turn the darkness into light - 46:41
Lecture 51Parashat Chukat - The secret of Moshe Rabenu's Teshuvah - 50:33